Saturday, October 18, 2008 Online Animation Software - Free may provide students with an easy way to create animations using online software with ready to use templates. You can use their sound library and type in dialog bubbles, or upload recorded dialog for use in the animations. You just need to set up a free account to access the web-software. Check out their How Does It Work page for a quick summary, or watch the CNN video below.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Youth-Made PSA Examples

Austin Haeberle, the Creative Director at Listen Up! recently posted a list of recommended youth-made public service messages PSA examples. These are part of the 2008 Very Important Producers Awards. Teachers can join Listen Up! for free.

Check them out at

There are a lot issues motivating youth to stand up and speak out, inspiring us to take action. This category if full of thoughtful messages from youth filmmakers to their peers and adults alike. See all of the films in the PSA category here:

Take a quick peek at few:

You Have the Right By: Michael Maldonado Org: BAVC_ Next Gen Video Programs

I Will Use My Voice By: Tessa Ormenyi Org: Grover Cleveland High School

Arthur By: Yaroslava Vaganova Org: The oneminutesjr Network

Chewing Tobacco PSA By: DROP TV Youth Producers Org: Children's Media Project

I'm Mad! Org: MyView Video Project

Listen to your heart Org: The oneminutesjr Network

Monday, October 6, 2008

Anneberg Cinema History Curriculum - Free

Annenberg Media has a teacher development website at

They have an online course on Cinema: How Hollywood Films Are Made.

They also have a video instructional series on film history for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 10 one-hour and 3 half-hour video programs and coordinated books.

You can purchase the DVD for $329.00. You can watch a video stream of each program for free (with free registration).

Using clips from more than 300 of the greatest movies ever made, this series explores film history and American culture through the eyes of over 150 Hollywood insiders, including Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg, and Michael Eisner. In-depth treatments present film as a powerful economic force, potent twentieth-century art form, and viable career option.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Current TV - Producer Training Resources

The cable/satellite channel Current TV is built upon the submission of programming from viewers. There website has resources for potential contributors. The have "producer training" section and production knowledgebase with information on pre-production, production, post production and marketing. They also have license cleared music for their projects.

Current is about what's going on in your world: all the things you and your friends are actually interested in -- that you won't find on any other news site or cable TV channel. is the place to find and share stories and videos that are interesting to you. It connects to Current TV, a global cable and satellite TV network.

You can watch Current TV online or enjoy it from the comfort of your couch:

DirecTV: channel 366
Dish Network: channel 196
Comcast: channel 107
AT&T U-Verse: channel 189
Time Warner: check listings

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Depth of Field Video Tutorial

Justin Snodgrass has created a 20 minute video tutorial that provides a detailed explanation of depth-of-field. The tutorial was designed specifically for filmmakers who use or are planning to use 35mm depth-of-field adapters. The information can also be applied to still photography.

You can download it in parts or in its entirety for free.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Garageband and iDVD Turorials - Free

The University of Indianapolis has video tutorials for Garageband '08 and iDVD '08.