Tuesday, October 20, 2009

SEVA Training - Effective PSA PowerPoint

On October 17, I gave a presentation on Creating Effective Public Service Announcements for SECC's SEVA Teacher Training Day. You can download a copy of my PowerPoint at the link below.

With some slight modifications, you can use it to make a presentation to students.

PSA PowerPoint

Friday, October 9, 2009

Video Made on a Mac - Calibrate a Monitor - Free tutorials

Peachpit Press is posting podcast from the authors of a book titled, Video Made on a Mac. There are several, including one on how to calibrate a monitor:

Richard Harrington and Robbie Carman show you how to create professional video on the Mac. In this series, they share videos and project files using real world examples in Final Cut Studio and Adobe Creative Suite. From pre-production to post, and accomplishing it all within a tight schedule, this podcast series gives you a sample of what you can learn using their book, Video Made on the a Mac.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Got Milk? Contest and Video Features

The Got Milk? ad campaign is working with Scholastic by hosting a video contest for California public high school students. The goal is to recreate scenes from the 20 minute short film White Gold Rock Opera: Battle for Milkquarious.

The video on the website defaults to the Standard Mode, but if you select the Competition Mode you can access several "extra features." These include interviews with the producer, cinematographer, production designer, costume designer, and editor.

The White Gold Rock Opera Video Contest (“Contest”) encourages public high school students between the ages of 14-18, in the state of California, to develop the most creative video recreating a got milk? scene as presented by the Sponsor. Ten (10) Finalists' videos will be posted online for the general public to vote for their favorite. Cash prizes will be awarded to winners' schools to be used towards enhancing the schools' arts education programs.